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Sick Cat Love

The thing about a cat - they don’t love us at all
Twelve years she treats me like a minion
Preparing food and opening her doors
Not hiding disappointment in her dinner
Which is not angel fricassee or tongue of unicorn
And the house
Which does not have a shrubbery
A sick cat’s something else
You know the way a leech is used by surgeons
To make the blood flow in capillaries and keep the flesh alive
A sick cat siphons love down different veins
To blood - but there it goes
Without a heart to pump it - still it flows
Right through you . Pulled by the cat and from what
deep endless sea out there I don’t begin to know
and suddenly you’re just a hollow line
A conduit of rushing love . Eroding
Beaches ,
Shifting stones
between a sink hole and the whole world’s ocean
A G - March 2019     
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